Hyndburn Park Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve!

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. We're having a Year 5/6 Careers Day on Thursday 19th June 2025.

We're having a Year 5/6 Careers Day on Thursday 19th June 2025.

27 February 2025 (by Hyndburn Park (Technician))

We are reaching out to professionals in the outside world and within our local community who have attended Hyndburn Park in all its 119 years of glory!

Are you willing to inspire, motivate and engage our children all about a range of successful career paths and an array of vocations?

We're having a Year 5/6 Careers Day on Thursday 19th June 2025.

Our aims are to:

Excite our children about their learning and how a successful education will aid their future.
Help our children create goals and aspirations.
Broaden and waken their imagination and dreams.
Motivate them with their learning.

Challenge stereotypes for different jobs and backgrounds.

We are calling for anyone from any walk of life to share their educational journey and career paths to our children. It could be:

Healthcare Professionals
Police/Armed Forces
Graphic Designers & Web Development
Council Services
Fashion Stylists
Aerospace & Science
Veterinary Services
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
Postal Services
Local Council Leaders
Sporting Professionals
Drama, Writing and Acting

If this is something you would be interested in, please call our school on 01254 233171 and leave a message for Miss Kauser, who will get in touch with you with further information.