At Hyndburn Park, we believe that all our children have an equal right of access to a broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to achieve educational success and to reach their full potential. All children within the school, regardless of any disability or special educational needs they may have, are valued for their individual contributions. We use our best endeavours to meet each child's needs and make reasonable adjustments to enable children and their families to participate fully in the life of the school.
Staff are trained appropriately to support pupils with SEND. Leaders have effective
mechanisms in place to identify pupils’ additional needs at the earliest opportunity.
ofsted 2022
Our SEND Co-ordinator
Ms S. Tabsim | |
Local Offer
The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. Please see the documents below and visit Lancashire Council website for more detailed information.
SEND Documents